Over the last few years, instant messaging, messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Hike and many more, and e-mails, coupled with easy access to internet just about everywhere, hand-written letters and postcards have almost become extinct. Yet still, there are many people who love to receive postal mail that contains something other than your monthly magazine subscriptions, credit card approvals and bills. It can be an entirely amazing experience to take a few minutes off while you are on vacation and jot down a quick note for your loved one, and send it via the postal services. The world's highest post office in Hikkim Writing postcards is one of my favourite ways to pass time while sitting in coffee shops or restaurants, and has now turned into an essential part of every trip I make. It is a quick, easy, sweet and affordable way to show someone that you care, while you are gallivanting. I spend a good time to select my post cards. Posting my...